Car Audio City

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Upgrade Your Car with Your Tax Refund

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Every year, the spring season brings a lot of joy to hard working San Diegans: better weather, longer days, flowers blooming, fresh strawberries, and baseball. And one other thing: tax time.

Nobody likes doing taxes, let alone paying them. But those of us who've watched chunks of our income whittled away incremental from our paychecks month after month? We know there's a silver lining: that annual tax refund. At Car Audio City we have many car audio financing options!

Amounts vary, but when you receive a refund, it's like getting a bonus check, and there's no better way to spend it than on yourself. And what better way is there to spend money on yourself than by upgrading your car? It's a worthy question to ask yourself when you're driving to and from work, imagining all the wonderful things you could do to upgrade your car with your tax refund. 

Window tint

How about that window tint you've always wanted? You already know it will look cool, but have you thought about how it will reduce that glare that's been creeping in every evening? San Diego sunsets may be beautiful, but the sun hitting the horizon can also make driving uncomfortable. Why suffer like that when a little window tint will keep your car cool and comfortable as you drive around enjoying your tunes? Car Audio City can ease your pain, and you might be surprised how little investment it takes!

A new car stereo

And how about those tunes? If you're driving a car with stock car stereo, you've always known there's something more you can do to boost that car audio. There's no better time to upgrade than when you've got that tax refund burning a hole in your pocket. A more powerful amplifier, better speakers, a subwoofer — there are myriad ways you may upgrade your car stereo, and Car Audio City can make your money go further than other spots in town, while offering professional advice and installation. When you drive off, blasting your jam with better car audio quality than you ever imagined, you'll start to wonder just how on earth next year's tax refund could do you one better!

Put in a Lambo door

What's a Lambo door you ask? It's short for Lamborghini door — the best thing in the world you probably never knew you wanted. Car doors that open outward are just fine, but car doors that open upward? It doesn't really matter what kind of car you drive, it just looks cooler. Imagine picking up a date, or pulling up to valet parking at your favorite restaurant, only to have your lambo door flip up, before you effortlessly step out of the car. Now imagine those car door windows are tinted, and pure, distortion-free bass is rolling out of your ride…

Spend Your Tax Refund at Car Audio City

Car Audio City can make that happen, and when we do, you'll never look at tax day the same way again. Fill out our contact form, or give us a call at (619) 474-8551 for more information.