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What Is The Best Sound Setting For Car Equalizer?

Finding the best sound setting for a car equalizer is an often overlooked part of upgrading your car's audio and entertainment system. Whether you select a car stereo system for best quality or value, correctly adjusting the equalizer can get the best performance from your discreet car speakers, and overcome natural drop offs created by the shape of your vehicle’s cabin. 

What does an equalizer do?

In simple terms, an audio equalizer raises or lowers the volume of specific frequency ranges of the audio signal going to your speakers. It might boost the volume of the lower frequencies, for example, to add more bass to your car stereo’s mix. Or it might reduce the power of higher frequencies, to limit distorted or shrill treble when you’re playing music at higher volumes. One way or another, the EQ offers a greater degree of volume control to help get a car’s best sound setting.

What kind of equalizers are available?

The equalizer of budget car stereo receivers, including some factory stock units, offer only two or three frequency bands covering unspecified frequencies: bass, treble, and sometimes mid-range. Raising or lowering these wide frequency bands can help a little bit, but it’s kind of like trying to sign your name with a crayon. More sophisticated graphic equalizers filter the audio into anywhere from five to 16 and even to 31 bands centered around a specific frequency. These allow the adept listener to make finer adjustments, though at some point, more bands means more opportunities to throw a car stereo’s existing balance out of whack.

What is the best sound setting for your car Equalizer?

So what is the sweet spot with EQs? At times, there is value in adjusting car equalizer settings to accommodate recording quality, say of oldies versus modern recordings. Often, a listener might adjust the EQ depending on a musical genre. That’s why many car stereo receivers, particularly after-market models, feature equalizer presets such as jazz, rock, or vocal pop. 

But for everyday use, the best setting for a car equalizer is one that addresses any uneven frequencies resulting from your car audio system installation. If your subwoofer overwhelms the middle ranges of your car speakers, the best equalizer setting might boosts those frequencies to send more effective power to the tweeters. If you have a multiple channel speaker system, a multi band equalizer can be used to adjust the signal around the crossover frequencies of your vehicle’s speakers, to a prevent a spike or drop off around those notes when you listen to music. Are there tools to help fine tune your EQ settings?

With up to a five-band equalizer, most listeners can feel their way around the settings to achieve a sound they like. But to find the best settings for your car’s EQ, the surest way to precisly attune a car equalizer involves playing a pink noise signal through the speakers, and using a frequency analyzer to determine which frequencies need equalizer adjustments. The idea is to achieve a smooth curve across all frequency ranges of the pink noise, with no peaks or valleys. That will ensure the most natural sounding sound reproduction specific to your vehicle.

Where to get the best settings to your car equalizer

In San Diego, go to Car Audio City in National City to find expert installation, and equalization, of a new car stereo and speakers. Contact us today at (619) 474-8551 for a free quote!

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