Can You Track Your Car if It's Stolen?

What can you do if your car is stolen? Most of the answers to this question aren’t good. You can, and should, file a police report. You will also want to give notice to your car insurance company. Next, you will likely wind up spending money on alternative transportation until you can replace your ride. 

But what if you can track your car when it’s stolen? Short answer: you can.

GPS Device for tracking

Finding a stolen car used to be all but a lost cause. Despite all the aforementioned headaches and paperwork, police could not likely allocate the resources needed to recover it, and would probably struggle to find leads if they could. A car owner would have to file a stolen car report, then wait. And wait. And hope their car insurance acted fast, and hope their policy carried a low deductible.

But the 21st century offers a more appealing alternative, provided you have installed a GPS tracker in your car. A GPS Device for tracking can lead you, and law enforcement, directly to your stolen automobile. It won’t get you out of filing a police report, but it will greatly increase the odds you’ll get your vehicle back, fully intact, and ready to ride again.

How do GPS tracking devices work?

Just like their names suggest, GPS devices work with the network of satellites making up the Global Positioning System. A GPS device sending and receiving signals from these satellites can be located virtually anywhere in the world to precise geographic coordinates, usually within fifteen feet! 

Hidden within the inner structure of your vehicle, a GPS tracking device may be located after the car is stolen, enabling law enforcement to track the vehicle and its movements in real time! Better yet, unlike the previous iteration of car tracking devices, such as LoJack, the police won’t need to devote extra resources to triangulate the stolen car’s signal. Technology does most of the work.

Can you track your own car if it’s been stolen?

Right now, the best technology for tracking your car is called LowStar. Not only does this GPS tracking device allow law enforcement to accurately locate your vehicle, it can let you track the car yourself with your smartphone! 

LowStar works intuitively, revealing the vehicle’s location on a map, and continuously updating its movements. You will still want to contact law enforcement, and still need to make a stolen vehicle report, but with this newer technology in your pocket, you’ll be able to specifically let the police know where your ride is, and where it’s going. Doing so will significantly speed up the recovery and return of your car, mitigating your need for alternative transportation, and in many cases letting you avoid that whole deductible question altogether.

Car Audio City offers the best GPS Tracking & Car Security in San Diego

Combined with a smart car alarm system, a GPS tracker can make your vehicle virtually theft-proof. Contact us today to find out more about protecting your investment! Give us a call today at (619) 474-8551 to get a free estimate on LowStar GPS Tracking and installation.